Mini Project 2

Computer Code
Parameters to Measure
- Optimum glide speed (m/s) or True Actual Speed
- Glide ratio
- Lift-to-drag ratio
- Predicted range (using a range of different masses added onto the glider), (m)
- Predicted gliding time from the top of monumental steps to target circle, (s)
Other parameters calculated:
- Lift Coefficient
- Drag Coefficient
- Dynamic Pressure
- Free Stream Velocity
- Reference Area
- True Air Speed of Glider
- Predicted Time Aloft
Formulas Used

Formulas to calculate required parameters
Code Used

Glide Ratio: 0.39142857142857146
Glide Angle: 0.3730954455958309 radians
L/D Ratio: 2.554744525547445
Lift: 0.228377663236237 N
Drag: 0.0893935424667559 N

Dynamic Pressure: 311.498145000000 Pa
Lift Coefficient/Drag Coefficient: 2.55474452554744 -- (verification step)
True Airspeed of Glider: 9.80956559810788 m/s
Predicted Time Aloft: 2.14076757935648 s
Glider Image
Image of the Glider
Engineering Drawing

Engineering Drawing
Parameter Values:
span (mm): 140
root chord (mm): 105
tip chord (mm): 50
mean chord (mm): 77.5
thickness (mm): 2
leading edge sweep (º): 34.50
dihedral (º): 2.50
wing area (cm2): 101.9
Pitch control surface (PCS):
root chord (mm): 35
tip chord (mm): 0
thickness (mm): 1
leading edge sweep (º): 0
PCS area (cm2): 9.2
Vertical tail:
root chord (mm): 40
tip chord (mm): 15
thickness (mm): 1
leading edge sweep (º): 65
vertical tail area (cm2): 12.7
length (mm): 255
width (mm): 6.4
height (mm): 0.64
center of gravity measured from nose of glider (mm): 115
Total Mass (g): 25


Drag vs Velocity

Vertical Height vs Horizontal Distance for 5g added to the ballast

Vertical Height vs Horizontal Distance for 4g added to the ballast (Optimum)

Vertical Height vs Horizontal Distance for 3g added to the ballast
Adding or Subtracting 1g at the ballast changes the Horizontal Distance reached by the glider. However, when 4g is added to the ballast, a horizontal distance of 21.4 meters (predicted range) is acheived which is the desired range for the glider.
“Aviation Instructor's Handbook.” Aviation Instructor's Handbook | Federal Aviation Administration.